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Hi! I’m Oliver, a fitness professional turned travel blogger from the lush Lake District in the north-west corner of England.

I have set my sights high, with my lifelong dream of setting foot in every country in the world.

My journey began seven years ago following a gap year in Australia which opened my eyes to a world of possibilities. Since then I have visited over 70 countries across 6 continents, met weird and wonderful people from all over the globe, witnessed extreme poverty in the heart of Africa, climbed soaring 6000m+ peaks in South America, danced the night away on beaches in South-East Asia and ventured across Europe in an old Peugeot 306 with my brother and best friend.

I believe there’s more to life than work, and that life is to be lived. Here at Forever Roaming I document my experiences, post budget backpacking guides and share thought provoking articles aiming to advise, inform and inspire, showing that you too can break the mould, get out there and have incredible adventures of your own.

See you on the road?